Business In A Box Training

Become a Hypnosis Instructor
  1. Box Training Videos
  2. Types Of Training In Business
  3. Business In A Box Training Reliaslearning
  4. Business Training Works
Business In A Box Training

Box Training Videos

Workplace Training: Out-of-the-Box Ideas to Make Workshops More Effective Workplace training is vital to helping your employees grow, become better at their jobs, improve customer service and safety, and increase revenue. The best training engages your employees so they truly learn and aren’t just going through the motions. 10 Proven Best Selling IM Training Products with Full PLR. JayGibson ⋅ Firesales, Internet Marketing, PLR Video Training, Turnkey Businesses ⋅ best plr videos, Business In A Box, internet marketing training PLR videos, Jonathan Teng, PLR firesale, PLR video courses, PLR video products, PLR videos, private label rights video courses, private label rights videos, Sharon Lai, video courses. CBD Training Academy & Icann are proud to introduceThe CBD “Business in a Box” being presented in a series of events across the U.S.A. Looking around the Internet you’ll see a lot of companies offering CBD Business opportunities, but all of them require a large investment of time and money, and none have a ready to go “Business in a. Business in a box costs £165 (+VAT) upfront. YOU then receive 80% of all courses sold on your platform, yes including the 6 week lifeskills course we've built for you to get you started. We won’t charge you. Business in a Box Aesthetic Business in a Box. Looking to start an aesthetic business? Want to get started and have everything in place? Wouldn’t it be nice to get advice and training from someone who has been there, done it and is successful?

Business In A Box Training

Types Of Training In Business

Business In A Box Training

Business In A Box Training Reliaslearning

Business Training Works


Is Growing Rapidly

“We’re looking for people who want to make money with their own business!”

  • There's no previous experience necessary

  • You'll be an independent contractor and can work full time or part time.

9 Reasons to Become An Instructor With The AIA?

  1. $$$You'll earn a MUCH higher income

  2. Added influence as an authority in the field

  3. Increased knowledge

  4. Tax advantages and vacation opportunities

  5. Authority to represent the AIA as an AIA Instructor

  6. The contents of the course

  7. Live phone coaching upon graduation for your ongoing success

  8. Low tuition investment

  9. Recession Proof

    You can be up and running in less than a month - Although you have up to sixteen months to complete this course you can complete it and be earning an income in just a couple months or less.

Here’s What You Get With Your Instructor Course:

  • Instructor Training Certification and certificate.

  • Hypnosis Certification Home Study Course and certificate.

  • Advanced Hypnosis training.

  • Training in the many ways to Make Moneyas a Practitioner.

  • Training in how to Make Money as an Instructor.

  • Success Coaching Session with Rene or Raluca.

  • Unlimited Office Support.

  • Placement on our Worldwide Instructors Database of active training locations.

  • The most important thing you'll receive with this course is the Authorization to teachthrough and Represent the AIA.

Here's How The Course Works:

The course is broken down into multiple segments. You can take your time or do them all at once.

Instructor Introduction and Business Setup

.... Hypnosis Certification Training – Part 1

This is where you'll learn the actual course you're going to be teaching in class. The more you study this the better an instructor you'll be!

Hypnosis Certification Training – Part 2

If you are not already AIA certified in Hypnotherapy this course serves two purposes. First is it teaches you the course you'll be teaching students and second it will also give 'you' the certification as well. It's always better if you're also trained and certified in what you're going to teach.

Hypnosis Certification Training – Certification Part 3

You're now ready for learning the ways to teach it. If you're not presently certified with the AIA you would complete your test and submit the paperwork to get your Hypnosis Diploma and Certification and begin your AIA Hypnosis benefits as well.

- You will receive AIA Certification and a ASH Diploma as show above upon successful graduation.

- Your Students will receive the same type AIA Certification but a Graduation Certificate from your school or training facility as you will be their trainer.

Additional Training Options

  • The Home Study Advantage

  • 3 Day intensive Individual Live Certification Option

  • 6 Day intensive Individual Live Certification Option

  • 2 Day Plus HSC

  • 10 Day Class

  • Evenings and Weekend Classes

  • Vacation - or - On the Road Training

  • Teaching at Student Location

  • Advertising

NEW Advanced Hypnosis Training Videos on:

The next three segments of Advanced Hypnosis Training will give you knowledge and insight in most areas of advanced hypnosis. Now you can be well versed in your teaching being able to answer just about any questions your students might come up with on virtually any topic.

  • Smoking Cessation

  • Children & Hypnosis

  • Forensic Regression

  • Healing, Pain & Stress


  • How to Becoming the Authority in Your Field - Learn how to become the best at what you do...

  • Creating a Marketing Plan - This is where you begin planning for your success.

...Instructor Policies & Procedures

  • Student Policies & Procedures

  • Business Organization

  • Student Assignments

  • Scoring their test and registration forms

  • Paperwork process and where to send forms

  • Pricing courses

  • Explaining the AIA certification process to your students

At the conclusion of this segment is when you would submit all your paperwork and forms for your Instructor Certification.

Advanced Hypnosis Training Videos on:

  • Covert Hypnosis Techniques

  • NLP Hypnosis Techniques

  • Analytical Subjects

  • The Total Habit Replacement Program

  • Self-Hypnosis Techniques

  • Weight Loss Hypnosis

  • Cancer & Hypnosis

  • Sports Hypnosis

  • Memory

  • Instant Inductions

Making Money with Hypnosis

This is a complete four video training series on how to make money as a hypnosis practitioner. Now you'll have everything at your fingertips to teach your students how to become successful. Not just generalities but specifics that they can use.

Here’s How 'You' Make Money

You can offer:

  • 6 or 10 Day Group Training Course

  • 3 Day Individual Training Course

  • Two Day Hands-on Live

  • You can receive 50% Affiliate Commission on monthly Home Study Courses you refer for those who cannot afford to train with you immediately.

  • There's a 'tuition transfer program' available if they decide to train with you later on so they're not out any money for taking the Home Course first.

Your investment - Now:

The cost of your tuition. (Just training 2 students will pay off your tuition completely and give you an immediate profit.)

Your investment - Later:

1. $150 A student membership kit for each applicant you teach. (This covers your students manual, certificate from the home office, one year AIA membership, unlimited office support and the right to be taught by you: an AIA Certified Instructor)

  • This usually comes out of the students down payment so it doesn’t affect your cash flow.

2. Your monthly AIA Membership: (For your first year from date of graduation is complimentary - free).
Beginning at year two it’s $20 per month – CLICK HERE to see the thousands of dollars’ worth of benefits you get for it…

Tuition & Information

REMEMBER: The very first students you teach will pay for your tuition so'Money isn't an Issue'. If you're ready to make a HUGE change in your life and the lives of countless others today... Apply below!

Turn Your Knowledge Into Results

The AIA/ASH Instructor Certification is an opportunity for you to join the Personal Development Industry with the training that sets you up for instant and lasting success.

We’re here to teach you how to launch and run a successful career.

Join Raluca, Rene and their team as you apply these principles to your own life and also create a business teaching others to do the same... You can start right now.

If THIS is for You then click on the button to apply now!

NOTE: We are very selective on who we allow to become Hypnosis Instructors.

To learn more about the training, find out what the Special tuition is or request a payment link; click the button below and tell us about yourself.


UPDATE: to our Hypnosis Instructor Program

Our program is presently in the middle of a HUGE transformation and upgrade.

Due to the Covid Pandemic our programs have had to change to include ONLINE teaching as well.

We have been so busy with the increase of business that it may take a few more weeks to upgrade the program and send you the pertinent information and tuition when you apply below. Thank You

So What are You Waiting For?

Contact Us to

Get Started Now!

All of the materials within are designed to be viewed and listened to from your computer. They are not allowed to be copied, printed, recorded, saved or transferred to other locations or programs without the written expressed permission of the AIA. All of the books are available online in printed form at our online store if desired. Due to the nature of this course being totally downloadable, once you have purchased it there are no refunds.

From time to time various states or countries may change their policies pertaining to hypnosis. It is your responsibility to check on your state or countries regulations or restrictions before registering.

As we are the American School of Hypnosis and all of our material are printed in English only and will remain so. If you wish to teach in a non-English country you may create your own handouts, materials or workbook in another language that are in your own words upon our approval but all of our copy-written materials must remain in English.